A successful life Dr. Dollar addresses 8 important steps in 30 chapters. He discusses, Word Power (Ch. 5), How Thoughts Shape Your Life (Ch. 11), Deal With Negative Emotions (Ch. 13), 7 Steps to a Quality Decision (Ch. 15), Act on Faith (Ch. 20), Habits: How They Are Formed (Ch. 21), Grow In God`s Character (Ch. 25), and Discover Your Destiny (Ch. 29). Choose to have the life you want Dr. Creflo A. Dollar speaks boldly and practically, to personally confront and mentor his audience. This is seen in an introductory statement, "People talk a great deal about what they want to do, but very few employ the tenacity and diligence required to carry it out. They need to stop talking about it and just do it!" His tone is direct. To sum this book up in one statement, it could be said that to create the life you want requires great personal discipline. Without this, we may never truly live fulfilled lives. Dr. Dollar, submits, "Picture your life twenty years from now. Does your current lifestyle predict that you will be happy and fulfilled, or disappointed and frustrated?" Dr. Dollar employs brief, powerful statements to point readers to solutions for living the life we choose, stating, "The great thing is, God has given each of us the ability to make our own choices." We are responsible for our life! An underlying theme of personal empowerment to choose success is inferred within each clue to a better life. Dollar notes, "A higher level of thinking creates a higher level of living." Readers may choose their own thinking. Many of Dr. Dollar's insights lead to the same conclusion. Opportunities abound in our lives but we must access these through our chosen actions. He stipulates, "Once you understand that God has provided access to the good life... there are four primary action steps you must take... Obtaining the good things... requires action on your part."
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